Thursday Evening
My Lord and my God, thou seest my heart, and my desires are not hid from Thee.
I am ashamed when I think how long I have lived a stranger to Thee.
Lord, hear me, help me and show mercy unto me, for Jesus Christ’s sake.
To Thee, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, I give up myself entirely: may I no longer serve myself, but Thee, all the days of my life.
I give Thee my understanding: may it be my only care to know Thee, Thy perfections, Thy works, and Thy will.
I give Thee my will. Whatsoever Thou willest may I will and that only. May I will Thy glory in all things.
I give Thee my affections. Do thou dispose of them all. Be Thou my love, my fear, my joy. And may nothing have any share in them but with respect to Thee and for Thy sake. What Thou lovest may I love; what thou hatest may I hate; and that in such measure as Thou art pleased to prescribe me.
I give Thee my body. My I glorify Thee with it and preserve it holy, fit for Thee, O God, to dwell in. May I neither indulge it nor use too much rigour toward it. but keep it, as far as in me lies, healthy, vigorous, and active, and fit to do Thee all manner of service, which Thou shalt call for.
I give Thee all my worldly goods. May I prize them and use them only for Thee. May I faithfully restore to Thee, in Thy poor, all Thou hast entrusted me with, above the necessities of my life, and be content to part with them too, whenever Thou shalt require them too, whenever Thou shalt require them at my hands.
I give Thee my credit and reputation. May I never value them but only in respect of Thee; nor endeavor to maintain them but as they may do Thee service and advance Thy honour in the world.
I give myself and my all. Let me look upon myself to be nothing, and to have nothing, out of Thee. Be Thou the sole desposer and governor of myself and all I have. Be Thou my portion and my all.
O God, when hearafter I shall be tempted to break this solemn engagement, when I shall be prest to conform to the world, and to the company and customs that surround me, may my answer be: I am not my own. I am not for myself, nor for the world, but for my God. I will give unto God the things which are God’s. God be merciful to me a sinner.
Have mercy, O Father of the spirits of all flesh, on all mankind. Convert all men to Thy truth. Bless the Church, heal its branches and establish it in truth and peace. Preserve and defend all Christian princes, especially our Sovereign and his family. Be merciful to this nation. Bless the clergy with soundness of doctrine and purity of life, the Government with wisdom, the magistrates with integrity and zeal, and the people with loyalty. Bless the universities with learning and holiness, that they may afford a constant supply of men to do Thee service.
Shower down Thy graces on all my relations, on all my friends and all that belong to this family. Comfort and relieve those that labour under any difficulties of body or mind; especially those who suffer for the testimony of a good conscience. And grant us all, together with Thy whole Church, an entrance into Thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ, to whom with Thee and the blessed Spirit, Three Persons and One God, be ascribed all majesty, dominion, and power, now and for evermore.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
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