Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Morning: Personal Prayers of John Wesley

ETERNAL and merciful Father, I give Thee humble thanks (increase my thankfulness, I beseech Thee) for all the blessings, spiritual and temporal, which in the riches of Thy mercy, Thou has poured down upon me.

MAY all my thoughts, words, and works tend to Thy glory. Heal, O Father of mercies, all my infirmities; strengthen me against all follies; and forgive me all my sins.

LET me learn of Thee to be meek and lowly. Pour into me the whole spirit of humility. Fill, I beseech Thee, every part of my soul with it, and make it the constant, ruling habit of my mind, that all my other tempers may arise from it; that I may have no thoughts, no desires, no designs, but such as are the true fruit of a lowly spirit.

BLESS, O gracious Father, all the nations whom Thou hast placed upon the earth, with the knowledge of Thee, the only true God: but especially bless Thy holy catholic Church and fill it with truth and grace. Where it is corrupt, purge it; where it is in error, rectify it; where it is right, confirm it; where it is divided and rent asunder, heal the breaches thereof. Replenish all whom Thou hast called to any office therein, with truth of doctrine and innocency of life. Let their prayers be as precious incense to Thy sight, that their cries and tears for the City of God may not be in vain.

HAVE mercy upon this Kingdom and forgive the sins of this people. Turn Thee unto us, bless us, and cause Thy face to shine on our desolations.

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